Polycomp file format

We present here a detailed description of the compressed files written by Polycomp.

Polycomp files are FITS files where each 1-D datastream is saved in its own HDU. A number of FITS keyword defined here are used to store details about the datastream, such as the compression algorithm and other information needed for the decompression. It is possible to access Polycomp files using any FITS library. Notable examples are cfitsio and Astropy (through the io.fits module).


Any Polycomp file contains one or more binary table HDUs. Each HDU contains the data required to decompress one 1-D table. The order of the HDUs is the same as the order specified in the Polycomp configuration file used for the compression.

The following keyword are defined in each of the table HDUs:

Keyword Type Meaning
PCSRCTP String NumPy type of the input data
PCCOMPR String Kind of compression algorithm used
PCNUMSA Integer Number of uncompressed samples
PCNUMSA Integer Number of uncompressed samples
PCUNCSZ Integer Size of the uncompressed samples, in bytes
PCCOMSZ Integer Size of the compressed samples, in bytes
PCTIME Float Time needed to compress the data
PCCR Float Compression ratio

The allowed strings for PCCOMPR are the following:

  • none: no compression;
  • rle: Run-Length Encoding;
  • diffrle: Differenced Run-Length Encoding;
  • quantization: Floating-point quantization;
  • polynomial: Polynomial compression (with or without the Chebyshev step);
  • zlib: zlib-based compression;
  • bzip2: bzip2-based compression.

If the algorithm is quantization, the following keywords are saved in the HDU header as well:

Keyword Type Meaning
PCELEMSZ Integer Number of bits per uncompressed sample
PCBITSPS Integer Number of bits per compressed sample
PCNORM Float Normalization factor
PCOFS Float Offset

Table data

Table data is saved in one fixed-size column (with one notable exception, see below). The type of this column depends on the input data type and/or the compression algorithm:

Compression Column type
none Same as input data
rle Same as input data
diffrle Same as input data
quantization 8-bit integer
polynomial 8-bit integer (but see below)
zlib 8-bit integer
bzip2 8-bit integer

Debug-mode for polynomial compression

Due to its relative complexity, polynomial compression can be saved using a special debug mode. In this mode, instead of coding the compressed stream as a raw sequence of 8-bit integers, the compressor saves information about each chunk separately. This mode is not as efficient as the default mode, but it allows to understand the compressor’s performance more easily.

If a data stream is compressed using polynomial compression in debug mode, the keyword PCDEBUG in the HDU header is set to 1, and the following columns are saved:

Name Type Row size Description
ISCOMPR Logical 1 True if this chunk has been compressed
CKLEN Integer 1 Length of this chunk
UNCOMPR Double Variable If ISCOMPR is False, the uncompressed samples
POLY Double Variable If ISCOMPR is True, the polynomial coefficients
CHMASK 8-bit integer Variable If ISCOMPR is True, the Chebyshev bit mask
CHEBY Double Variable If ISCOMPR is True, the Chebyshev coefficients

The length of the rows in variable-length columns is the following:

  • UNCOMPR: a number of elements equal to CKLEN;
  • POLY: equal to \deg p(x) + 1;
  • CHMASK: equal to \lceil N + 1\rceil, where N is CKLEN;
  • CHEBY: equal to the number of bits in CHMASK that are equal to 1.