Writing a configuration file

In this section we describe how to write a configuration file which tells Polycomp which data to compress, and how.

Note for Python developers: Polycomp configuration files are parsed using Python’s configparse library. Refer to its documentation for more information about all the facilities provided by this format.

Basic syntax

Empty lines and lines starting with # are ignored.

Polycomp configuration files are divided in sections, each marked by its name enclosed in square brackets, like in the following example:

[section 1]
# Here are the contents of "section 1"

[section 2]
# Et cetera

Within each section, the file is expected to contain a sequence of key/value pairs, as in the following example:

cmb_temperature = 2.7
speed_of_light = 3.0e8

Strings must be specified without single/double quotes:

file_path = /data/my_test_data.fits

Specifying which data to compress

Every configuration file must at least contain one section named polycomp. This section should contain the key tables, which specifies a comma-separated list of tables that will be included in the compressed .pcomp file generated by the program. For every table specified here there must be a section (either before or after this one) with the same name, where details about the table are to be provided.

Here is an example:

tables = time, temperature, pressure

# Here we specify where to take time data, and how to compress them

# Ditto for the temperature...

# ...and for the pressure

In the next sections we are going to explain what should every “table section” contain.

Where to take the data to compress

In each table section the following key/value pairs must be present:

  • The file key specifies the path to the FITS file containing the data to be compressed.
  • The hdu key specifies the number/name of the HDU within the FITS file (the first HDU is 1).
  • The column key specifies the number/name of the column in the HDU (the first column is 1).

Here is an example:

file = /opt/data/experiment_1.fits
hdu = 1
column = TIME

How to compress the data

The compression key must be present in each table section. It contains a string which identifies the compression algorithm to use, and it can be one of the following:

Value Algorithm
none No compression
rle Run-Length Encoding (RLE)
diffrle Differential RLE
quantization Quantization of floating-point values
polynomial Polynomial compression
zlib Zlib-based compression
bzip2 Bzip2-based compression

The none, rle and diffrle compression algorithms do not require other key/value pairs. For all the other cases, they are presented in the next subsections.

Quantization parameters

The only parameter required for this kind of compression is bits_per_sample, which specifies the number of bits to be used with each sample. Typical values are integers less than 32 or 64 bits, depending on the width of the floating-point type used in the input data.

Polynomial compression parameters

There are a number of key/value pairs that are understood when using this algorithm. Not every pair is required; in a handful of cases, Polycomp can provide a default value.

Key Default value
num_of_coefficients (Required)
samples_per_chunk (Required)
max_error (Required)
use_chebyshev True
period If not specified, the input data will be assumed not to be periodic.
no_smart_optimization False
opt_delta_coeffs 1
opt_delta_samples 1
opt_max_num_of_iterations 0 (no upper limit)

The meaning of the parameters is the following:

  • num_of_coefficients specifies the number of coefficients of the fitting polynomial, i.e., deg p(x) + 1. The best value for this parameter depends heavily on the input data to be compressed.
  • samples_per_chunk specifies the number of samples in each chunk. This number must always be greater than num_of_coefficients.
  • If use_chebyshev is set to False, the so-called “simple compression algorithm” will be used. In some situations the code might run faster, but it can produce significantly worse compression ratios.
  • If the input data are periodic, period should be set to their period (e.g., 2π for angles measured in radians). The default is not to assume the input data periodic.

The remaining parameters (no_smart_optimization, opt_delta_coeffs, opt_delta_samples, and opt_max_num_of_iterations) are used when the user wants to search the best possible configuration for the polynomial compressor.

Zlib/Bzip2 parameters